7 concerts at Jazz Fest tonight

After last night’s great beginning of the 20th Jazz Fest, today, on its second day, the audience can look forward to 7 concerts. The program starts at Pozorište mladih, with the first concert at 18.00 by Tatran, a trio representing musicians of the young generation. After a short intermission, at 19.15, the exceptional French guitarist … Continued

Gentille Winery’s “Jazzman” in honor of 20th Jazz Fest

Jazzman – is a new product by the Gentille Winery, created in honor of the 20th Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2016, to mark the beginning of a partner relationship between Gentille and Jazz Fest. Jazzman, a limited edition pure white brandy, was twice distilled on 10 October 2008, it rested for seven years in glass barrels … Continued

Anniversary celebration of music begins tonight!

Everything is ready for the beginning of the 20th edition of the international music festival Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2016, which brings more than 30 performances on four festival stages to its audiences, among them European and world premieres, concerts of top artists from different continents and a diverse selection of music. The anniversary celebration of … Continued

Vloeimans: Picking up an important award after the Sarajevo concert

When he performed at Jazz Fest eight years ago, at Pozorište mladih with his ensemble Gatecrash, Eric Vloeimans filled the concert hall with authentic magic and happiness. On 05 November he is coming back to Jazz Fest, to the same concert hall, where he will perform with his trio Oliver’s Cinema. Eric Vloeimans paired his … Continued

19 performances for 140 KM

From 02 to 06 November, on the occasion of its 20th anniversary, Jazz Fest Sarajevo will be presenting more than 30 concert performances including European and world premieres, to audiences from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the entire Balkan region. The festival program to take place at Bosanski kulturni centar brings four nights, offering 19 performances … Continued

UNIQA among supporters of 20th Jazz Fest Sarajevo

UNIQA Insurance gave its support to 20th Jazz Fest Sarajevo, internationally recognizable international music festival which introduces important names of the international music scene in Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina every year anew, offering to its loyal audiences an exceptional musical experience. As one of leading insurance houses in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which used to … Continued

Bojan Z: Jazz Fest je jedan od svetski bitnih kulturnih događaja

Pijanista, kompozitor i lider Bojan Zulfikarpašić će na 20. Jazz Festu održati dva koncerta 5. novembra. Predstavit će dva dueta sa trombonistom Nilsom Wogramom i saksofonistom Julienom Lourauom. JFS: Rekorder si po broju nastupa na Jazz Festu. Prije 18 godina nastupio si prvi put na festivalu i do sada predstavio gotovo sve svoje značajnije projekte. … Continued

Ticket sales at the Jazz Fest office has started

Ticket sales for the 20th Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2016 has started at noon. From today, 24 October, until 29 October, instead of at Bosanski kulturni centar, ticket sales will be done at the Jazz Fest office – at La Benevolencija 14 (click here for map). Tickes sales and reservation pickup at the mentioned address will … Continued

Sao Paulo Underground at Jazz Fest opening

The sound of Sao Paulo will be brought to Sarajevo in November by the Brazilian-American trio of Rob Mazurek, composer, cornetist and improvisor with an opulent career and a discography counting more than 50 releases. When he lived in Brazil around ten years ago, Mazurek came up with exotic soundscapes using elements of the Amazon … Continued

Uri Caine’s first performance in Sarajevo

American pianist and composer Uri Caine will perform at the 20th Jazz Fest on 04 November within the Sarajevo marathon of John Zorn, who will present the European premiere of his project The Bagatelles, introducing compositions written between March and May 2015. Zorn’s compositions will be performed by 11 ensembles, among which Uri Caine will … Continued

Jazz Fest and Sberbank – a perfect couple

The International Music Festival Jazz Fest Sarajevo is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year with more than 30 concert perfromances on different locations taking place from 2nd till 6th November. Jazz Fest will be celebrating this important jubilee with a new sponsor – Sberbank BH. “One of Jazz Fest’s most important partners this year is … Continued

Marc Ribot returning to Jazz Fest

When the appearance of American guitarist Marc Ribot at Jazz Fest Sarajevo was negotiated for the first time, Ribot canceled the solo tour six months before the planned concert, to answer the invitation of Tom Waits to record the album Real Gone. Four years later, in 2007 he held a solo concert as agreed at … Continued

Rasprodani bosanski koncerti na Jazz Festu

Rasprodane su ulaznice za dvostruki koncert koji će biti održan na 20. Jazz Festu Sarajevo 2016, 5. novembra u Gradskoj vijećnici – duet Tijane Vignjević i Belme Alić te duet Miroslava Tadića i Merime Ključo. “Vrlo smo zadovoljni što su upravo dva bosanska koncerta prva rasprodana na 20. jubilarnom izdanju festivala. Riječ je o koncertima … Continued

Miroslav Tadić: Muzika Balkana je beskrajna

JFS: Prvi put si nastupio na Jazz Festu prije 15 godina kada si sa Vlatkom Stefanovskim održao dva rasprodana koncerta. Od tada si predstavio na Jazz Festu mnoge svoje projekte koji imaju veze sa tradicionalnom muzikom Balkana. Stalno se vraćaš tom repertoaru. U čemu je njegova privlačnost? Miroslav Tadić: Muzika Balkana je beskrajna, raznolika, inspirativna … Continued

Collaboration between Jazz Fest and HKB University in Bern

Audiences of the 20th Jazz Fest Sarajevo will be presented with numerous premiere concerts including a project premiere of British composer and pianist Django Bates, designed specially to mark the anniversary of the festival. Bates’ ten member ensemble will present a project carried out in cooperation with Jazz Fest and the jazz department of Bern’s … Continued

Samuel Blaser: A rising star at Jazz Fest

Swiss trombonist Samuel Blaser, “a rising star” as he was named by DownBeat magazine, will perform on 03 November at the 20th Jazz Fest in a trio with French guitarist Marc Ducret and Danish drummer Peter Bruun. The trombone is an instrument that we do not hear too often in modern jazz formations, especially in … Continued

One more world premiere at Jazz Fest

The twentieth Jazz Fest Sarajevo will present a number of European and world premieres from 02 to 06 November, one of them will be the concert of the American drummer Mark Nauseef, French cellist Vincent Courtois and British bassist John Greaves. Although they built opulent careers which include numerous musical collaborations, the three world-class artists … Continued

Historical musical event at Jazz Fest

20th Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2016 audience will get the chance on 04 November at Bosanski kulturni centar, to attend the European premieres of John Zorn’s The Bagatelles program, the most ambitious project in the history of the festival. The American composer, saxophonist, multi-instrumentalist, producer and conductor will be performing for the first time in Sarajevo … Continued

Bugge Wesseltoft: 20 years in 20 compositions

Today one of the most influential figures of Scandinavian jazz, pianist Bugge Wesseltoft released back in 1996 the album New Conception of Jazz with his eponymous band. This is the album that started it all, the album with which Bugge started to change the perception of jazz while founding his own record label Jazzland Recordings … Continued

Tijana Vignjević i Belma Alić: Slučajan muzički susret i nimalo slučajan rezultat

Vokalistica Tijana Vignjević i violončelistica Belma Alić predstavit će premijerno na 20. Jazz Festu Sarajevo svoj zajednički projekat. Njihov koncert koji će biti održan 5. novembra u Gradskoj vijećnici izazvao je veliki interes posjetilaca, a u zajedničkom intervjuu govore o projektu u kojem spajaju klasičnu muziku i sevdalinku. JFS: Kako je nastao duet sa Belmom … Continued