New project by Vlado Džihan at Jazz Fest
Under the pseudonym Edgar Tones, together with the singers of trio The Su’sis and an ensemble, Džihan presents music for dancing.
Under the pseudonym Edgar Tones, together with the singers of trio The Su’sis and an ensemble, Džihan presents music for dancing.
Young and brilliant are adjectives music critique uses to describe the Armenian artist since his first album.
The American artist made unmeasurable contribution to jazz during the course of his career.
“The best fly with Turkish Airlines! The collaboration with Jazz Fest was logical in that sense. The best with the best.”
A concert recording of his 2013 premier performance of a six piece composition, written for the Jazztopad Festival.
The jazz vocalist is about to release her third album in September.
Real Blues will be released after a 15 year recording break.
During three days the festival is going to introduce artists from different parts of the world.
Projekat Emily’s D+Evolution objedinjuje muziku, teatar, poeziju i ples.
Alexander von Schlippenbach, Aki Takase, Marc Ribot, Marcin Wasilewski and The Ex are just a few participants of this year’s program.
The American guitarist recorded the album Black Light with members of his 4th Dimension ensemble, it will be released in fall.
American guitarist, composer and producer recorded the new album for ECM.
The great guitarist and singer died at age 89 in his sleep at home in Las Vegas.
Critics are unanimous when it comes to grading this as the most ambitious project of the American artist’s career.
Kritika se slaže da je riječ o najambicioznijem projektu u karijeri američkog umjetnika.
In the movie “Marcus”, director Patrick Savey gives unique insight into the world of one of most famous bassists of today.
Tonight at 19.00 via live streaming, the central celebration of International Jazz Day.
Prošetajte jednim od najpoznatijih muzičkih studija na svijetu.
“The adventure with The Bad Plus pushes me toward the fringes and draws me into the core.”
Movie about a blues icon and one of 20th century’s most influential female vocalists.