Jazz Fest Sarajevo goes to Banja Luka!

Jazz Fest Sarajevo is preparing a special surprise for Banja Luka audience for the XX1st edition of the international music festival Jazz Fest Sarajevo. After this year’s festival and concerts of Dejan Terzić ensemble Axiom and The Chamber Choir of the Academy of Music from East Sarajevo that will be held in the venue Dom … Continued

Jazz Fest zapošljava!

Za potrebe pripreme i realizacije XX1. izdanja festivala, Jazz Fest traži šest (6) osoba za honorarni angažman na sljedećim poslovima: hospitality, tehnika, prodaja ulaznica. Javite nam se ako želite i volite raditi, pouzdani ste, precizni u izvršavanju zadataka. Potrebno je poznavanje engleskog jezika i komunikativnost. Prednost imaju mlađe osobe. Prethodno radno iskustvo je poželjno, ali … Continued

Mini festival klasične muzike na Jazz Festu

Za svoje XX1. izdanje, međunarodni muzički festival Jazz Fest Sarajevo je pripremio i pravi mali festival savremene muzike. Iz bogatog i raznolikog opusa Johna Zorna, jednog od najznačajnijih savremenih američkih kompozitora, različite su muzike i žanrovi koje će u programu Musick and Magick XX1. festivala biti predstavljene publici. Saradnja Zorna i Jazz Festa počela je … Continued

Edin Zubčević is the new artistic director of Jazz Festival Ljubljana

Artistic director of the international music festival Jazz Fest Sarajevo Edin Zubčević is the new artistic director of Jazz Festival Ljubljana, the oldest European jazz festival. Zubčević will perform the function of the Ljubljana jazz festival selector in the next two years, namely the 59th and jubilee 60th edition of this festival. The artistic directors … Continued

San ljetne noći na Jazz Festu!

Dvojica izvrsnih gitarista Julian Lage i Gyan Riley vraćaju se u novembru u Sarajevo, kako bi nakon sjajnog prošlogodišnjeg nastupa u okviru sarajevskog maratona Bagatela Johna Zorna, još jednom očarali publiku Jazz Festa Sarajevo. Lage i Riley će na sarajevskom koncertu izvesti repertoar sa albuma Midsummer Moons objavljenog ove godine za izdavačku kuću Tzadik, repertoar … Continued

Swedish King in Sarajevo on November 3rd!

Swedish saxophonist, improviser and composer Mats Gustafsson will be performing for the first time for  Jazz Fest audience in a solo concert, which will be held on November 3rd at the Dom policije at XX1st Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2017. Active on scene since the 1980s, the list of his collaborations is more than impressive and … Continued

Call for young musicians

From today until October 1st, young musicians interested in jazz, musical improvisation and new music can apply for regional educational program MUSIC MEETING, which will be held from October 31st to November 5th, during XX1st Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2017. Every year, MUSIC MEETING brings together many young musicians from the countries of the former Yugoslavia, … Continued

Album En El Amor released today!

Today, B&H singer with an Austrian address Nataša Mirković, French multi-instrumentalist Michel Godard, and American drummer and percussionist Jarrod Cagwin, officially released an album En El Amor. The album En El Amor was released for Carpe Diem label from Berlin and it brings traditional Sephardic songs from South East Europe, recorded in the fascinating acoustics … Continued

Tylol Hot i Jazz Fest: Zagrijmo se zajedno!

Tylol Hot i Jazz Fest Sarajevo nastavljaju saradnju započetu prošle godine na XX. izdanju Jazz Festa Sarajevo 2016. I ove godine će Tylol Hot u festivalskoj sedmici, na različitim lokacijama, dodatno zagrijati festivalsku atmosferu besplatnim toplim napicima koje će obezbijediti za posjetioce koncerata XX1. Jazz Festa Sarajevo koji će biti održan od 31. oktobra do … Continued

Change in the festival programme!

Instead of the Belgian trio Dans Dans’s concert, the XX1st Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2017 will present Belgian-French Trio of Hermia-Ceccaldi-Darrifourcq, which will have its Sarajevo concert on November 3rd in Dom policije. Saxophone, cello and drums trio bring music of extremes, from delicate melodies to exciting rhythmic parts – music without borders. Hermia-Ceccaldi-Darrifourcq concert tickets … Continued

Počela rezervacija ulaznica za XX1. Jazz Fest!

Počela je online rezervacija ulaznica za sve festivalske programe XX1. Jazz Festa Sarajevo 2017 koji će biti održan od 31. oktobra do 5. novembra. I ove godine Jazz Fest omogućava svojoj publici da rezerviše ili kupi ulaznice za sve koncerte festivala. Na području Sarajeva osigurana je besplatna dostava ulaznica na kućnu adresu, a za ostale … Continued

John Abercrombie (1944-2017)

Famous American guitarist John Amebrcrombie has left us at 72 years of age. In recent years he had major health problems including a stroke earlier this year, and the heart failure was fatal. This outstanding musician, whom we presented with great pleasure at the 15th Jazz Festival Sarajevo 2011, was a tireless experimenter, composer, improviser, … Continued

Guitar Power: Interview with Mary Halvorson

Guitarist Mary Halvorson will perform at XX1st Jazz Fest Sarajevo this year as a member of Thumbscrew ensemble, along with bassist Michael Formanek and drummer Tomas Fujiwara. In an interesting interview for Guitar Power, she talks about learning and dealing with music, meaning Jimi Hendrix has had to her playing guitar, and about improvisation and … Continued

Banja Luka diaspora at XX1st Jazz Fest Sarajevo

Jazz Fest Sarajevo will present four projects of Bosnian-Herzegovinian artists as part of the main festival program this year, continuing the tradition of presenting local musicians and new music. Over the past 20 years, more than 60 musicians from Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in over 100 Jazz Festival programs. That number will be increased this … Continued

Obavještenje za javnost

U vezi inicijative zastupnika Naše stranke i predsjednika kluba gradskih vijećnika ove stranke Vibora Handžića, objavljenog na web stranici Naše stranke dana 9. augusta, da Gradska uprava omogući Jazz Festu korištenje Vijećnice za realizaciju dijela festivalskog programa, obavještavamo vas da je Jazz Fest osigurao alternativne lokacije za održavanje programa prvobitno planiranih za Vijećnicu. Nakon što … Continued

Intervju: Edin Zubčević ekskluzivno za N1

Osnivač i umjetnički direktor međunarodnog muzičkog festivala Jazz Fest Sarajevo dao je ekskluzivni intervju za regionalni regionalni TV kanal N1. Ovo je njegov prvi razgovor za medije nakon 13. januara kada je Jazz Fest donio i dan kasnije objavio odluku da nakon 22. izdanja Jazz Festa 2018. godine, ovaj međunarodni muzički festival prestaje sa radom. … Continued

Two special BH programs at XX1st Jazz Fest

Jazz Fest Sarajevo has added two special programs  at XX1st Jazz Fest Sarajevo this year which will be held from October 31 to November 5. The main festival program of 20 concerts at 6 different locations was announced in June and two additional concerts are scheduled for Sunday, November 5 will close the circle of … Continued

Carnegie Hall cheaper than the Vijećnica City Hall in Sarajevo

Announcement for the audience This year, Jazz Fest Sarajevo concerts will not be organized in the Vijećnica City Hall, as the company managing this facility has submitted their offers for renting space for two concerts in the amount of almost 10.000 KM. For the concerts on the 1st and 2nd of November in the auditorium … Continued

Mary Halvorson – guitarist who pushes the boundaries

From July 18, the guitarist Mary Halvorson will have 12 performances with her octet, during  six nights at Village Vanguard, presenting their last album Away With You and new compositions as well. This 36-year-old artist has been recording and performing since 2002, and has released more than 20 albums exploring new territories of music in terms of improvisation … Continued

Jazz Fest Sarajevo is coming back home!

After 12 years, Jazz Fest Sarajevo returns to the Dom policije venue which was the main festival stage from 2000 to 2005. This year and next year Jazz Fest Sarajevo concerts will be organized in different locations, but the largest number of programs will be held at the Dom policije. “Thanks to the support of … Continued