Saradnja Securitasa BH i Jazz Festa

Securitas BH je ponosni partner ovogodišnjeg 15. Jazz Festa Sarajevo 2001. Iako saradnja Jazz Festa i Securitasa, odnosno agencije Alarm West, traje već dugi niz godina, saradnja je ove godine unaprijeđena, a posjetioce Jazz Festa na mjestima održavanja festivalskih programa očekuje visokoprofesionalno i ljubazno osoblje Securitasa, preduzeća koje putem svojih agencija za zaštitu lica i … Continued

Program of 3rd Nov

This day will bring two exciting programs – Tawadros brothers concert at the Youth Theatre and a concert of top artists gathered in the quartet of John Abercrombie. Abercrombie is a tireless experimenter with a long career of more than four decades. He has published nearly 50 albums, out of which more than 30 as … Continued

Video: Day Two

Second day of 15th Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2011. frameborder=”0″ width=”580″ height=”326″>

3. novembar: “Talks with…”

Danas u 13.00 u maloj sali Bosanskog kulturnog centra, Jazz Fest će upriličiti razgovor sa braćom Tawadros, Josephom i Jamesom, čiji nastup večeras možete očekivati u Pozorištu mladih u 22.00. U 13.30 planiran je razgovor sa John Abercrombie Quartetom koji će otvoriti koncertni program trećeg dana festivala nastupom u Bosanskom kulturnom centru u 20.00. Razgovorima … Continued

Program of 2nd Nov

On Wednesday 2nd of November, the second day of 15th Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2011  at the scene of the Bosnian Cultural Centre two exceptional programs will be held. At 20.00 the British double bassist Dave Holland and Spanish guitarist Pepe Habichuela will present their current project Hands. It is about two musicians who are rightly … Continued

Video: Day One

First day of 15th Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2011. frameborder=”0″ width=”580″ height=”326″>

Današnji “Talks with…”

Danas, drugog novembra će biti organizirani razgovori sa učesnicima festivala na koje su pozvani mediji ali i svi oni koji žele znati više o radu, muzici i karijerama gostiju festivala. U 13.00 predviđen je razgovor sa triom Henderson/Berlin/Chambers, u 13.30 sa Daveom Hollandom i Pepe Habichuelom, a u 14.00 sa Richardom Bonom. Razgovori će biti … Continued

Fotografije prvog dana Jazz Festa

2011 Festival photos by Zijah Gafić [nggallery id=33] 2011 Festival photos by Midhat Mujkić [nggallery id=34] 2011 Festival photos by Armin Smailović [nggallery id=35]

15th Jazz Fest starts tonight!

Tonight at 20.00 a concert of bassist and vocalist Richard Bone at the scene of the Bosnian Cultural Centre will open the 15th Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2011. This extraordinary musician and captivating singer is one of the most respected bassists of our time. He is the artist who came a long way from a small … Continued

Cheikh Lô – interview

In your successful career you recorded relatively few albums. How do you see discography today compared with the situation 15 years ago? I have recorded 5 albums because I think that each album represents a state in life and thus it takes time. The composition and creation of work is delicate. i started composing Jamm  … Continued

Talks with…

Jazz Fest Sarajevo will organise during the festival everyday conversations with the participants of the festival. We invite interested media but also visitors of the festival who are interested to contribute to discussions that will take place in the small hall of the Bosnian Cultural Centre. Discussions will be moderated by Amra Toska. 2.11.2011. WEDNESDAY … Continued

Box Office opened til 22:00!

From today, the festival box office in BKC will be opened from 12:00 to 22:00. Due to the large number of calls to the Jazz Fest Office, we inform you that there are still tickets for sale for all concerts during 15th Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2011. Tickets for all concerts can be purchased at 20% … Continued

Kudsi Erguner – interview

The first time you played in Sarajevo in 2004. with your project Islam blues. What can audience expect this time considering that you come with other musicians and repertoire? We will perform an instrumental music which is based mainly on preludes of Whirling Dervishes ceremonies, as well as on the improvisations on the makams corresponding … Continued

Premijera koncerta Edina Bosnića!

U sklopu saradnje tv kuće KANAL1 i Jazz Festa, ovaj bh. kablovski kanal večeras će ekskluzivno emitovati koncert bh. pijaniste sa austrijskom adresom Edina Bosnića. Koncert je održan u Domu Armije, u okviru prošlogodišnjeg festivala. Koncert će na KANALU1 biti emitiran večeras u 20.00. U proteklim danima, imali smo priliku uživati u snimkama koncerata španskog … Continued

Introducing: Cheikh Lo

15th Jazz Fest Sarajevo will present on 5th of November at the Bosnian Cultural Center Senegalese artist Cheikh Lo  and his band consisting of musicians from Senegal, Benin and Uruguay. Open to different genres and local music traditions, this Senegalese author, does not hesitate to connect what sometimes seems to be incompatible. His expression is … Continued

Premijera koncerta Tigrana Hamasyana!

U sklopu saradnje tv kuće KANAL1 i Jazz Festa, ovaj bh. kablovski kanal večeras će ekskluzivno emitovati koncert armenijskog pijaniste Tigrana Hamasyana. Hamasyana s pravom nazivaju zvijezdom u usponu međunarodne muzičke scene, a koncert kojeg večeras možete gledati održan je u Domu Armije, u okviru prošlogodišnjeg festivala. Koncert će na KANALU1 biti emitiran večeras u … Continued

Excellent Ralph Towner at JFS

Ralph Towner, composer and instrumentalist who is a significant name on the American and the world music scene since the 1960s, will present himself with a concert on 5th November at the Youth Theatre during the 15th Jazz Fest Sarajevo. His greatness lies not only in the vast music education, many published records, Grammy nominations … Continued

Joseph Tawadros’ concert premiere!

The cooperation between TV station KANAL1 and Jazz Fest, brings you tonight the exclusive broadcast of concert of Australian oud player born in Egypt Joseph Tawadros. Concert was held in the Youth Theatre within the last year’s festival. Tawadros will perform this year also but this time as a duet with his brother who is … Continued

“About After Midnight” with SJG

Sarajevo Jazz Guerilla, the most active jazz band in Bosnia and Herzegovina, will be hosting the jam sessions this year also, which will be organized next week in Pivnica Sarajevo on the occasion of this year’s Jazz Fest. This ensemble performed last year on the Late Nite Stage at 14th Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2010 with … Continued

Gerardo Nunez’s premiere concert!

The cooperation between TV station KANAL1 and Jazz Fest, brings you tonight the exclusive broadcast of concert of Spanish guitarist Gerardo Nunez and his Flamenco Reunion Project. The concert was held at the Bosnian Cultural Center, within the last year’s festival, and a special guest at the concert was a flamenco dancer Carmen Cortes. The … Continued