Večeras počinje 23. praznik muzike u Sarajevu

XX3. izdanje međunarodnog muzičkog festivala Jazz Festa Sarajevo bit će održano od 7. do 10. novembra a glavni program će predstaviti ukupno 16 koncerata u Narodnom pozorištu, Sarajevskom ratnom teatru, Domu policije i Klubu 1. Današnji program publici će ponuditi četiri koncerta a večeras će festival biti otvoren u Narodnom pozorištu dvostrukim koncertom briljantnih umjetnika … Continued

Fish in oil za najavu XX3. Jazz Festa

Dvadesettreće izdanje Jazz Festa Sarajevo počinje u četvrtak i donosi i ove godine raznovrstan program. Glavni program festivala počinje 7. novembra ali će već danas, 6. novembra u Klubu 1 biti održana svojevrsna najava ovogodišnjeg Jazz Festa. U 20 sati će nastupiti beogradski bend Fish In Oil. Ovo će biti treći nastup ovih sjajnih muzičara … Continued

Dvostruki koncert jazz standarda

Ovogodišnje izdanje Jazz Festa uz brojne etablirane i umjetnike nove generacije predstavit će i dva koncerta za sve ljubitelje standardnog jazz repertoara koji će na dva koncerta 8. novembra u Domu policije izvesti evropski i američki muzičari. Solo koncert će održati Miles Okazaki koji će na gitari izvesti repertoar Theloniousa Monka, jednog od najvažnijih kompozitora … Continued

Benefits for UniCredit Bank customers

UniCredit Bank, as a sponsor of Jazz Fest Sarajevo, has provided special benefits to its clients when purchasing tickets for this year’s XX3rd edition of the Jazz Fest Sarajevo International Music Festival, which will be held from November 7 to 10. During the pre-sale of tickets, all users of the m-card, new banking service of … Continued

UniCredit Bank and MasterCard – XX3rd Jazz Fest sponsors

UniCredit Bank and MasterCard have agreed to cooperate with Jazz Fest Sarajevo and support organization of the XX3rd International Music Festival Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2019. This will be the first year of cooperation between these financial institutions and Jazz Fest, the oldest music festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina to be held for the 23rd time, … Continued

Quarter to Africa – new single

The dynamic six of the Quarter to Africa band have released a new single, the fifth from a new album to be released next year, and they will perform repertoire from it at Sarajevo concert that will close the main program of the XX3rd Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2019 festival. “The Yeshuato song was created during … Continued

European Premiere in Sarajevo

On Monday, September 30, Klub 1 will host the premiere concert of trio by American guitarist Wendy Eisenberg. This concert will also mark the beginning of the cooperation between Jazz Fest Sarajevo and Klub 1, in which part of the program of this year’s 23rd festival edition will be held. Wendy Eisenberg will perform in … Continued

Tickets on sale!

Concert tickets for XX3rd Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2019, are available for purchase in the system – online and at numerous points of sale across Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tickets can be purchased online, and after the purchase, your tickets will be sent to your inbox and you can print them or save them on your … Continued

Continuation of the concert season

After successful concerts marking the start of their 2019 concert season’s new project – Grlom u jagode (Rushing headlong), Jazz Fest continues the season they organize between the two festivals in co-production with the Sarajevo War Theater. The audience will get the chance to also attend the concerts of international and B&H musicians from September … Continued

Nermin Muzur obmanjuje javnost

Reagovanje Jazz Festa na neistine izrečene na press konferenciji Turističke zajednice Kantona Sarajevo

“Insane Insan” prvi put uživo!

Nakon godinu rada na albumu, bosansko-tursko-njemačko-francuska grupa Insane Insan spremna je za svoj prvi nastup uživo 13. maja. Koncert koji će biti održan u SARTR-u, bit će prilika da se publici po prvi put predstavi bend u punom sastavu: Nina Gerin, Tayfun Kesgin, Thomas Crauk, Enes Zlatar Bure, Dušan Vranić Duco, Dragan Rokvić, Mladen Tvrtković … Continued