Buy Early Bird Festival Pass

The early bird festival pass sale has started, enabling the audience to buy early bird passes and attend an extensive concert program that will be organised by the Jazz Fest Sarajevo in September, October and November, and will include concerts by Bosnian, regional and international artists. In addition to the main festival program in November, … Continued

XX2nd Jazz Fest Sarajevo – Beyond Good and Evil!

The XX2. Jazz Fest Sarajevo poster, which is also the poster presenting the Main Program titled Beyond Good and Evil, through which the oldest music festival in BiH introduces American composer John Zorn has been created by New York-based designer Chippy. Chippy has her own art studio and creates graphic design artwork for various film, … Continued

XX2nd Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2018 Main Program

XX2nd edition of the international music festival Jazz Fest Sarajevo will be held from 2nd to 4th of November 2018. This year’s festival is dedicated to the music of John Zorn, one of the most important contemporary American composers, and is the final part of the trilogy Musick and Magick, which started as The Bagatelles … Continued

Odlazak posljednjeg iz Velike četvorke

Američki pijanista i improvizator Cecil Taylor preminuo je u samo nekoliko dana nakon svog 89. rođendana. Taylora zajedno sa Ornetteom Colemanom, Albertom Aylerom i Johnom Coltraneom smatraju jednim od utemeljitelja tzv. free jazza. Bio je edukator i inovator čiji je uticaj na muzičkoj sceni bio primjetan od kraja pedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. U drugoj polovini … Continued

Rolling Stone bira Marija Batkovića

Magazin Rolling Stone u  izbor najboljih avangardnih albuma 2017. godine uvrstio je i album Marija Batkovića, akordioniste rođenog u Banjaluci. Album koji je Batković predstavio u novembru prošle godine solo koncertom na XX1. Jazz Festu Sarajevo, Rolling Stone je svrstao na 9. mjesto liste od 20 albuma objavljenih prošle godine kada su u pitanju noise, … Continued

„A Portrait of Esbjörn Svensson“ at Artfifa

In March, the documentary “A Portrait of Esbjörn Svensson” will be screened at the Artfifa Festival, the world’s largest International Festival of Films on Art. The film is included in the finals of FIFA Competition 2018 and will be screened on March 11 in Montreal, as part of the festival that will feature Mathieu Amalric‘s … Continued

European award for Jazz Festival Ljubljana

Jazz Festival Ljubljana is the winner of the annual award of the European association of jazz promoters Europe Jazz Network. Award for Adventurous Programming is awarded for the seventh time this year. The Jazz Festival Ljubljana was founded in 1960 and has been organized for over 35 years under the auspices of Cankarjev dom, the … Continued

Didier Lockwood (1956-2018)

French violinist and composer Didier Lockwood died on Sunday after a heart attack, a week after his 62nd birthday and the day after holding his last concert in Paris. He has been active on the music scene since the 1970s, recorded his first album as a leader, New World, and subsequently recorded more than 35 … Continued

Grammy for John McLaughlin!

British guitarist John McLaughlin won the Grammy Award for the best improvised jazz solo for Miles Beyond from Live at Ronnie Scott’s album, which he recorded with the ensemble with which he performed at Jazz Fest Sarajevo. This is his ninth Grammy nomination since 1972, when he won his first nomination for the album Inner … Continued

Two special programs for the end of XX1st Jazz Festival

XX1st Jazz Fest Sarajevo concert for kids will be held on Sunday at 12.00, and the repertoire of jazz standards selected for the youngest will be performed by Bosnian and Macedonian musicians, trumpeter Trajče Velkov, saxophone player Kiril Kuzmanov, bassist Edvin Hadžić, pianist Filip Dimiškovski and drummer Viktor Filipovski. At 19.00 starts the first of … Continued

Spend your Saturday at XX1st Jazz Fest

And Saturday will, like the previous days at XX1st Jazz Fest 2017, be marked by seven festival programs, of which six will be organized at the Festival Center in Dom policije venue. At 12.00, Italian historian Francesco Martinelli will hold a lecture on Italian opera and jazz, and at 13.15 Slovenian sociologist Ičo Vidmar will … Continued

James Blood Ulmer – another sold out concert on XX1st Jazz Fest!

Another concert was sold out at this year’s XX1st Jazz Fest Sarajevo. This is a concert by American blues guitarist James Blood Ulmer, who will perform for the first time in Sarajevo, at Dom policije venue at 22.00. This is the third concert within XX1st Jazz Festival program for which the tickets were sold out … Continued

XX1st Jazz Fest Sarajevo: program for November 3rd

On the fourth day, XX1st Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2017 will present seven festival programs. At 12.00, Italian historian Francesco Martinelli will hold a lecture Night of Tunisia on the influence of Islam on jazz, while at 13.30 there will be a workshop of B&H singer Nataša Mirković on universal voice leading. Both programs are open … Continued

U četvrtak na XX1. Jazz Festu…

Treći festivalski dan XX1. Jazz Festa završni je dan specijalnog programa Musick and Magick kojim Jazz Fest prezentira muziku Johna Zorna a na programu je šest nastupa na ukupno četiri koncerta, od kojih će tri biti održana u Domu policije a jedan u Sarajevskom ratnom teatru. U 19.00 nastupa violončelista Erik Friedlander koji će održati … Continued

Mini festival klasične muzike na Jazz Festu!

Nakon jučerašnjeg sjajnog početka XX1. Jazz Festa Sarajevo 2017 koji je u Festivalskom centru u Domu policije publici ponudio sjajnu najavu za naredna dva dana u kojima će biti predstavljen raznovrsni muzički opus Johna Zorna, iznimno značajnog američkog savremenog kompozitora, današnji program čine četiri koncerta. Za ljubitelje klasične muzike, XX1. Jazz Fest je u Domu … Continued

Večeras počinje XX1. Jazz Fest Sarajevo

Večeras u 20.00 na pozornici Doma policije prvi put nakon 12 godina bit će održan koncert u organizaciji Jazz Festa, a kojim će zvanično biti otvoreno 21. izdanje najstarijeg međunarodnog muzičkog festivala u Bosni i Hercegovini Jazz Festa Sarajevo. Ulaznice za koncert John Zorn’s Improv Night rasprodane su prije nekoliko dana, a bit će to … Continued

Special offer for 1st of November!

For classical music lovers, XX1st Jazz Fest Sarajevo has a special offer for concerts that will take place on 1st of November in the venue Dom policije. This is a mini one-day festival of contemporary music consisting of three concerts of Chamber Music to be held at 7 pm, Music with Rhythm Section at 9 … Continued

Tickets for XX1st Jazz Fest opening night sold out!

Even before the start of the festival, tickets for the first concerts to be held at Dom policije and the Sarajevo War Theater are sold out. Tickets are sold out for opening night of XX1st Jazz Fest Sarajevo i.e. for John Zorn’s Improv Night concert, that is to be held on October 31 at the … Continued

XX1st Jazz Fest Sarajevo starts next week!

On Tuesday, 31st of October, the lights will be lit for the 21st time on the stage of the international music festival Jazz Fest Sarajevo that will present 21 concerts as a part of the main festival program during the six festival days. At the Festival Center, at Dom policije to which Jazz Fest Sarajevo … Continued

Dejan Terzić: Prvi put u svom gradu

Američko-britansko-francusko-njemački ansambl kojeg čine Chris Speed, Phil Donkin, Bojan Zulfikarpašić i Dejan Terzić nastupit će na ovogodišnjem Jazz Festu Sarajevo, u nedjelju 5. novembra u Domu policije, a dva dana kasnije u Banjaluci u Narodnom pozorištu Republike Srpske. Terzić je rođeni Banjalučanin i jedan od najuspješnijih jazz muzičara rođenih u Bosni i Hercegovini a banjalučki … Continued