Program of third festival day

Today we have third day of 17th Jazz Fest which will end on 10 November, bringing us tonight three concert programs.

The Hamilton de Holanda concert at 7PM has been moved from the Youth Theater to the Bosnian Cultural Center due to big interest. This Brazilian artist on the bandolim, traditional Brazilian instrument similar to the mandolin, brings beautiful music demonstrating top playing technique while staying true to Brazilian music tradition spiced up with jazz, pop and other music genres and styles which he perfectly incorporates into his own and unique expression.

At 9 PM will be performing, also on stage of Bosnian Cultural Center, the group of Jack DeJohnette, one of the most important present jazz musicians and one of the biggest drummers in jazz history. DeJohnette has received Grammy’s and numerous other awards during past five decades of his career, and has left a mark on hundreds of releases as leader, co-leader and guest musician. After eight years this musician will be again performing at Jazz Fest with a new ensemble featuring a special guest, clarinetist and saxophonist Don Byron.

Klupski program Jazz Festa počinje u 23.00. Na programu je koncert Miron Rafajlović Quinteta, a nakon toga i jam session učesnika programa Music Meeting i svih zainteresiranih koji im se žele pridružiti na sceni kluba Monument.

The Jazz Fest club program starts at 11PM on stage of club Monument, it includes a Miron Rafajlović Quintet concert, followed by a jam session for Music Meeting participants and everybody else interested in participating.