6th Music Meeting
31st October - 5th Novembermarch 2025.
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from international lecturers and musicians through a series of workshops, talks and lectures!
Stay in Sarajevo from 31st October to 5th November and enjoy hanging out with international artists and in concerts produced in a high standards manner, attend sound checks and meet regional colleagues.
Where: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
When: 31st October – 5th November 2017
Participants: The program is aimed for music students and jazz musicians (ages 18-35) from the following countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia. Program also stays open for musicians from outside the frame of jazz, interested in exploring and obtaining new approaches in creating music.
Expenses: The organizer covers 5-nights accommodation, bears costs of Music Meeting activities and provides free entrance to all festival programs. Participants cover their own travel costs.
Participant selection: Jazz Fest directorate will select the participants. The participants will be informed about the results by e-mail until 5th October.
For more info please contact:
tel: +387 33 550 480
e-mail: [email protected]