Najbolja bh. stranica u 2011!

Žiri izbora najbolje web stranice u Bosni i Hercegovini WebAward.Me proglasio je najboljom web prezentacijom u 2011. godini dodijelivši nam Grand Prix Web godine. Osim najvećeg priznanja ovog godišnjeg izbora najboljih web stranica, Jazz Fest je osvojio i prvu nagradu u kategoriji “kultura” među 11 web stranica koje su ušle u uži izbor takmičenja. … Continued

Audience – thank you!

The 15th International music festival Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2011 has ended. We want to say one big thank you to our audience which made it possible with its support to realise successfully festival once again. The 16th International music festival Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2011 will be held from October 30th till November 4th 2012. Till … Continued

Sunday – kid’s programs

Sunday will be dedicated to the youngest visitors of Jazz Fest. At 12.00 the band Buzz will perform a concert for children. The ticket’s cost  is 5 KM. The repertoire is aimed to the youngest, but older ones are welcomed too. For twelve years, Jazz Fest has been organising workshop “Meet the instruments” for the … Continued

Video: Fifth Day

Fifth day of the 15th Jazz Fest Sarajevo 2011 (5th November). frameborder=”0″ width=”580″ height=”326″>

Fifth day of the festival

Saturday, 5th November: – 18.00, Pozorište mladih – Schiefel/Hadžić/Yankoulov, – 20.00, Pozorište mladih – Ralph Towner, – 22.00, Bosanski kulturni centar – Cheikh Lo.

Video: Day Four

Video of forth day of the festival (4th November 2011) frameborder=”0″ width=”580″ height=”326″>

Subotnji “Talks with…”

Danas u 13.00 u maloj sali Bosanskog kulturnog centra, Jazz Fest će upriličiti razgovor sa Michaelom Schifelom, Edvinom Hadžićem i Stoyanom Yankoulovom, članovima trija čiji vas nastup očekuje večeras u Pozorištu mladih u 18.00. U 13.30 planiran je razgovor sa američkim gitaristom Ralphom Townerom koji će koncert održati večeras u 20.00 također u Pozorištu mladih, a u 14.00 razgovor sa Cheikhom Loom koji će … Continued

On Friday at Jazz Fest

Two programs will be presented on Friday within the festival’s program: concert of Kudsi Erguner Trio at BKC and Stian Westerhus concert at the Youth Theatre. Turkish instrumentalists Kudsi Erguner is one of the greatest living masters of ney and for more than three decades he has been studying classical Sufi music and philosophy, and … Continued

Video: Day Three

Third day of 15th JazzFest Sarajevo 2011. frameborder=”0″ width=”580″ height=”326″>

“Talks with…” u petak

Danas u 13.00 u maloj sali Bosanskog kulturnog centra, Jazz Fest će upriličiti razgovor sa Stianom Westerhusom, mladim norveškim gitaristom, čiji nastup večeras možete očekivati u Pozorištu mladih u 22.00. U 13.30 planiran je razgovor sa Kudsijem  Ergunerom i Renaudom Garcia-Fonsom koji će zajedno sa perkusionistom Brunom Caillatom nastupiti večeras u Bosanskom kulturnom centru u … Continued